
Friday, October 31, 2014

Scath is sick and grouchy

Now from being at the hospital, Scath is sick with a bad cough. runny nose and a sore throat. She slept til 10 'o clock and is just now writing me a post. Scath is almost as grouchy as Lazer today. Just don't tell Lazer, I will deny that I said anything.

But I guess now she won't be able to trick or treat with me. I will just answer the door I guess. I am sad about it because I am used to seeing Scath all happy and cheerful and somewhat sly. Now she just wants to sit on the couch and watch TV. She didn't even take any pictures of me this morning.

If she is better this afternoon I will ask her if she will at least take one picture of me for the blog.

Puggy love,


  1. Oh Scooter did you see what our momma pulled off for pictures today, talk about LAZY!!!
    stella rose

  2. I saw it. That was some laziness, even on Halloween!

