
Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Hi everypuggy! I'm back to blog after such a long time! Misty is finally on summer break and I'm so happy! I get to spend lots of time with her in the backyard now!
I have some updates for you, though. During the spring I got an infection on my face and it caused me to scratch my eye a lot. It got so bad that I damaged my eyeball and they had to remove it. It was not pleasant. But I'm home now and a very happy pug!
Surprise! It's Lazer.
Meow. Now let me get back to smuggling with Misty.

Okay, I think that's all for today's post. Misty will take some more pictures of me outside while I'm running my agility course she made for me!

I hope everypuggy has a great day

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lazer's Interruption

Hello to all those dogs and humans out there, I am just stopping by for a visit. A very...short...visit. Just to make Scooter happy because he wanted me to see the new pictures. And that he is breathing down my neck watching me type this.

Scooter: "I am not!"

Yes you are...cats like their personal space in case you didn't know. Oh, you didn't? Do I need to remi- *leans in to bite*

Scath: "Hey! Lazer don't bite Scooter!"

Anyways...back to sleeping. Go away Scooter, I want the newspapers to myself.


Scath at School

I was sad today cause Scath went back to schools! I played around all day and pouted and pouted and pouted, until she came back home!
Then I snuggled with her, and we played out in the backyard!

I saws a bunny in that picture, so I was too distracted to bring my bone back.

After a few throws I decided to explore the garden bed. It was full of slimy frogs from all the rain!

I saws one and I sniffed it. Then it jumped and croaked real loud at me! It scared me a little, and Scath wanted to catch it on camera. 

After my adventure, I came back inside and ate a Scooby Snack. Scath says I'm too chubby from all the treats, but I disagree.

Not a very good picture if you ask me, but Scath insisted on putting it up here.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Agility time!

I was snoring in the kitchen when Scath came in and told me that we were going to do agility outside! But when we got everything together, it started to rain!

Since it was so so rainy outside, me and Scath stayed inside to do agility with me! She got out the tunnel, but not the jumps since the hall is too small for them all.

That's me in my tunnel! The only way Scath could get me to sit inside it was for a yummy Scooby Snack treat.

I was woofing for her to give me the next treat.

After a few times I got tired and wanted to snuggle with Scath

Saturday, August 15, 2015


I am back everypuggy! After a super duper long break I is back and ready to blog again! I can't believe this blog has gone untouched for sooooo loooong!

I feels so bad cause I haven't read my blogger puggys posts in so long! But never fears--Scooter is back!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sorry about the wait!

I am so sorry about the wait, my pug friends! Scath was sick for a LONG time and she didn't even read any blog posts or post any for me! I am updating with everything that happened recently.

There was so much nice weather yesterday, so Scath and me went outside to garden! She is using the not-so-good computer today, so there will be no pictures. When she ate her pizza, and left half of it on the table, I was left with a special treat! Too bad Scath didn't notice me before it was too late. She was so mad at me. Scath told me that there will be no more special treats on that table for a long time.

I will update so more later today, so stay in tuned!

Puggy love,

Friday, October 31, 2014

Scath is sick and grouchy

Now from being at the hospital, Scath is sick with a bad cough. runny nose and a sore throat. She slept til 10 'o clock and is just now writing me a post. Scath is almost as grouchy as Lazer today. Just don't tell Lazer, I will deny that I said anything.

But I guess now she won't be able to trick or treat with me. I will just answer the door I guess. I am sad about it because I am used to seeing Scath all happy and cheerful and somewhat sly. Now she just wants to sit on the couch and watch TV. She didn't even take any pictures of me this morning.

If she is better this afternoon I will ask her if she will at least take one picture of me for the blog.

Puggy love,